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Two stories

Once a young woman was walking down the street. On the street there was this street urchin, a young girl, the prettiest she has ever seen, all alone, without parents, without a home! The young woman was very affected by that girl. She asked “God, why is this, why don’t you do something?” God replied “I already have, I made you!”

Once there was a huge storm and the sea was wild. Hundreds of thousands of star fishes washed on to the beach. The next day, an old man was walking along the beach, and he was picking and throwing back the star fishes back to the sea. A young man came along and he was amazed at the sight. He asked, “you are not going to be able to put most of the star fishes back, there are hundreds of thousands out here?!” The old man, gently took one star fish, and put it into a pool of water, turned to the young man “I just made a big difference to her!”