
Serendipity – \sehr-uhn-DIP-uh-tee\, noun: The faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.(1).

Fortunate accidental discoveries, delightful discoveries! The original goal sometimes becomes irrelevant or is forgotten over the current dominance of a new piece of information just discovered. Making a commitment, taking action, and expecting the unexpected that your soul and universe create with you. (The coinage of the term is attributed to the British writer Horace Walpole from a Persian tale "The Three Princes of Serendip" where the heroes make discoveries accidentally.)

I would be using my website to keep track of my serendipital discoveries – from myself or by others. I don’t have any specific topic that I plan to talk about here – but as can be expected it will be more often than not related to management and technology (not necessarily geeky stuff, but rather using technology for productivity improvements, and also some stuff on Robotics a topic I find interesting.)

Me – Pramod – A management professional from India (Kerala to be more specific) currently living in Switzerland. I enjoy reading, listening to music, playing around with my computers (an iMac and to a less extent a PC) and I practice Vipassana.

I live in Basel, Switzerland. And I am from Palakkad/Thrissur, Kerala, India.